Harbor Clean Up with the Mayor!

The first Sunday of each month, we have the pleasure of working with the Surfrider Foundation Huntington/Seal Beach Chapter at their Help Your Harbor Cleanup

Cleanup Location: Huntington Harbour Boat Rentals 
16732 Pacific Coast Hwy, Sunset Beach, CA 90742

Cleanup Time: First Sunday of Each Month / 8:45am-11:30am

Members of the community gather together to remove trash from the waterways, while enjoying several hours of free kayaking and, often times, festivities to follow. 

The kayaks are graciously provided by local business, Huntington Harbour Boat Rentals.

While this monthly event is a great deal of fun, it's also an incredibly educational experience. Huntington Harbor Cleanup Chairman, Shane Coons, and the Surfrider committee members teach about the impacts of waste on the environment and the importance of practicing the four R's; Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle.

The goal is to help the community understand the need for improved actions, particularly when it comes to biodegradability and packaging reduction.

We decided to capture the event from the air and talk with the attendees.

During the cleanup we met with the Mayor of Huntington Beach, Jill Hardy, who stopped by to talk about the important role that Surfrider plays in our community and the harmful effects that careless waste behavior can cause.

Huntington Harbour Cleanup Chairman, Shane Coons, with Huntington Beach Mayor, Jill Hardy

Marina High Schoo SRF Club President, Kevin Song & Tyler Abend
Among the cleanup gathering we caught up with two members of the local Marina High School SRF Club, including Tyler Abend and, Club President, Kevin Song. We also talked with Mike & Cindy Faas, local business owners of Stone & Ceramic Surfaces.

(Left to Right) Surfrider members, Lori & Joe McMullin,
Local Business Owners, 
Mike & Cindy Faas, & Harbor Cleanup Chairman, Shane Coons.

Help raise awareness of the link between inland pollution of waterways, oceans and beaches for the health and sustainability of crucial ecosystems by getting involved with your local Surfrider Chapter.

To volunteer, email; hsbchair@surfrider.org

To learn more visit; http://hsbsurfrider.org/

To see more LA Video Drone aerial videos for the Surfrider Foundation, visit;

HSB Surfrider YouTube Channel


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